Mauricio Gattas
Mil novecientos cincuenta y cuatro
Reconstruction of a Monterrey kitchen from the 1950s
300 x 300 x 300 cm
FEMSA Collection. VII FEMSA Biennial Acquisition Award.
From appliances to half-full glasses, the reconstruction of this 1950s kitchen is a precise glimpse into a dreamlike past. Influenced by his training in architecture, the artist creates a practically habitable piece, a faithful reproduction of a space within his memory, where each detail opens the door to interpretations about the place itself. The plates on the table, the teapot on the stove, and even the arrangement of the chairs make the piece a kind of photographic shot of a moment in the daily life of a family that inhabits that space. Beyond the loyalty to reality with which the piece was constructed, Gattás’s work allows viewers to access memories, perhaps from a point of nostalgia, but also with curiosity.
Colección FEMSA has an image bank of the works that comprise it—a resource intended for researchers, publishers, and art institutions. The Collection is open to lending requests for shows in Mexico and other countries.
If you need a high-resolution image or would like to request a work on-loan, please send an email to