Antonio Ruiz “El Corzo”
Temple on masonite
29 x 21 cm
FEMSA Collection
“El Corzo” illustrated scenes from the Mexican imagination in several of his works. Títeres [Puppets] is a scene within a scene. At first glance, the viewer sees three characters (an adult and two children) moving puppets. However, upon closer inspection, a series of questions arise: where are the strings that move the puppets? Which puppets does the title refer to?
Beyond the unknowns the composition presents are theatrical elements. One can appreciate the influence of the artist’s experience as a film and theater set designer, as he integrates storytelling components.
Colección FEMSA has an image bank of the works that comprise it—a resource intended for researchers, publishers, and art institutions. The Collection is open to lending requests for shows in Mexico and other countries.
If you need a high-resolution image or would like to request a work on-loan, please send an email to