Oxxo, 2008

Emilio Chapela

Emilio Chapela
Oxxo. From Logo Paintings.
Acrylic on canvas on wood
100 x 200 cm
FEMSA Collection

The Logo Paintings series deconstructs brand logos central to consumer culture. To create these pieces, the artist took the colors characterizing these commercial entities and calculated the percentage of each before painting them as layers on the canvas. This particular piece references OXXO, a heavily-present convenience store chain in Mexico and other Latin American countries. Even in its abstraction, the brand is recognizable to those who routinely see it, illustrating logos’ influence on perception and consumption patterns within a community.

Other work from Emilio Chapela


Colección FEMSA has an image bank of the works that comprise it—a resource intended for researchers, publishers, and art institutions. The Collection is open to lending requests for shows in Mexico and other countries.

If you need a high-resolution image or would like to request a work on-loan, please send an email to coleccionfemsa@difusion.femsa.com