Gabriel Orozco

(Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, 1962)


Gabriel Orozco studied at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (abbreviated as UNAM in Spanish) and at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. His career gained momentum in the early 1990s, with his immersion in drawing, photography, sculpture, and installation works. His work depicts themes and techniques that incorporate real-life and quotidian objects from a new perspective and. For more than twenty years, his artistic research has been marked by consumerism, circularity, and the link between the geometric and the organic. With the frequent use of found objects, his works are characterized by an originality and eclecticism determined to rescue and explore objects and materials.

An artist on the move, Orozco does not have a fixed studio. He lives and works between Tokyo, New York, Mexico City and Paris. He is considered one of the most influential contemporary artists of his generation.

Work of Gabriel Orozco in Colección Femsa

Mural Sol

Gabriel Orozco



Colección FEMSA has an image bank of the works that comprise it—a resource intended for researchers, publishers, and art institutions. The Collection is open to lending requests for shows in Mexico and other countries.

If you need a high-resolution image or would like to request a work on-loan, please send an email to